As leaders in the industry, we understand that traditional photoreactors used in batch processing can’t achieve the same throughput as continuous flow reactors, so we decided to design and build our own specifically for flow chemistry.
Introducing the IRIS LAB™ and IRIS MAX™ Photoreactors from Snapdragon Chemistry — a technology platform that combines scalability with flexibility. Incorporate IRIS reactors in your own labs or leverage the systems in one of Cambrex’s global sites. Our recent 12,000 square foot expansion in Waltham, Massachusetts increases our ability to implement these reactors in-house with additional kilo-lab operations designed for multistep, end-to-end continuous processing.
Either way — in your facility or ours — you will have an end-to-end solution to increase your agility as you manage your ever-changing landscape of products while meeting necessary business requirements.
Download our IRIS LAB data sheet and learn more about the systems below.
Download our Data SheetIRIS LAB Photoreactor

IRIS MAX Photoreactor