Snapdragon Scientists Contribute to Paper in Organic Process Research and Development


Waltham, MA – February 24, 2021 – Snapdragon Chemistry Senior Scientific Associate Jill Sheeran and Scientist Grace Russell are among the authors of a paper published in Organic Process Research and Development’s “Celebrating Women in Process Chemistry” special issue.

The paper, Scalable On-Demand Production of Purified Diazomethane Suitable for Sensitive Catalytic Reactions, demonstrates how continuous manufacturing can be utilized to produce the powerful but highly toxic, and explosive gas diazomethane. This molecule is nearly impossible to make on scale due to the hazards associated with diazomethane, but continuous manufacturing allows for a safer and scalable synthesis.

Sheeran, who graduated from Stonehill College with bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and environmental science, is earning her Master’s in chemical engineering at Columbia while working full time at the lab.

Russell earned a PhD. from MIT in organic chemistry and a bachelor’s in chemistry from the Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Together, they lead Snapdragon’s internal employee advocacy group.

Organic Process Research and Development’s “Celebrating Women in Process Chemistry” special issue highlighted the work of leading women in the field, with a focus on organic chemistry.

View the full article (via ACS Publications)

About Snapdragon Chemistry
Snapdragon Chemistry specializes in active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) batch and continuous flow process development, utilizing state-of-the-art automation technology and proprietary equipment to solve complex process and analytical development challenges. With R&D and manufacturing headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, Snapdragon’s 70+ employees come with strong ties to the local scientific community, with 31 PhD scientists on staff. For more information, please contact